Our Vision
Working together, with Jesus beside us, to achieve our full potential.
Here at Gnosall St Lawrence CE Primary Academy and Pre-School, we are proud to be a Church of England school, strongly linked with St Lawrence church here in our village. We were graded outstanding in our most recent SIAMs inspection which noted that our “pupils’ enthusiasm and positive attitudes to learning shines through in all that they do.”

Our Vision
Here at Gnosall St Lawrence we enable all pupils and adults to achieve their potential, as part of a larger community, working and growing together, with Jesus beside us. We pray that our children’s lives will be filled with truly good qualities and we believe God’s Spirit will empower our children for action. Our children ‘will be humble, considering others before themselves’ (Philippians) and embrace their roles as courageous advocates in our local, national and global communities.
We will shine as lights in the world (Philippians 2:16)
Our Motto
Working together, with Jesus beside us to achieve our full potential
Our Christian Values
We want our school to be a place where Christian Values thread through every aspect of school life and beyond.
Our Mission
We will provide all with a lifelong toolbox in a safe environment so that we will “shine as lights in the world”.
This toolbox for life will:
provide a Christian environment where relationships and behaviour are built on our values of respect, honesty and kindness
nurture our children’s mental health and wellbeing so that they are ready to tackle anything and safeguard themselves
encourage responsibility in our children so that they appreciate what they have but recognise the needs and wants of others
have at our heart collective worship that will encompass our vision and Christian Values
teach a creative and stimulating curriculum that will inspire all towards perseverance and commitment
develop a PSHE and RSE curriculum that empowers our children to face the diversity and challenges of modern Britain and the world wide community